Get Involved



For in-person events, we sometimes inhabit space at Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Rochester, MN and many of our events are at local coffee spots, restaurants or breweries. We also hang out online sometimes.  Find an event of interest to you to and click on the image or scroll down to the calendar for location and event details.

Meet Ups


Hanging out at local spots with fun people.

Meet Ups are what Olive Branch does in the summer. It’s a chance hang out with others who like doing some of the same things you do.

We know that it can be hard to meet new people, especially in Rochester where folx are often here for only a few years. Check what’s coming up on the calendar to see what interests you.


Olive Branch Church

Creative community.

Olive Branch church is a time to wonder, be creative and practice listening to the world.

For this season, we are meeting the first Sunday of most months at 4:00 pm in the fellowship hall at Mount Olive Lutheran Church. Expect a warm welcome, generous communion (full slices of bread and sparkling apple cider), and some really fun people.

In the summer months we hope to move outside for this service.


Off The Page

Creatively engaging the Bible, with plenty of room for push-back

Off The Page is an invitation to read the Bible in a creative way. With he help of music, color and art, we immerse ourselves in the Biblical text with deep curiosity and whatever mix of emotions we bring with us that day. And we eagerly await the moment(s) when words are roused off the page and into our lives.

Nope, you don’t have to be an artist. In fact, no previous experience with either the Bible or art is required.

