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Open House

  • Gray Duck Theater 619 6th Avenue Northwest Rochester, MN, 55901 United States (map)

Olive Branch Open House
September 12, 5:00-7:00pm
Gray Duck Theater - back parking lot
619 6th Street NW, Rochester

Come meet the leaders and community of Olive Branch church! We are feminist, LGBTQIA+-celebrating, pro-wandering, anti-consumer, artsy, earth-hearted, and most of us like pie.

We also understand what it feels like when the floor drops out on your faith, and are especially open-hearted to people who have been hurt by the church.

Leaders Rev. Lisa and Richard BC will be around to chat and answer questions throughout the evening. There will also be art for sale from the Olive Branch Artist Collective, and a button-making station for your creativity. If you wish, sign up for door prizes when you arrive, submit your questions to the Cigar Box of Wonder, and add to our collaborative art project. All ages expected.

All of the above are available whenever you arrive, and a few things below are on a schedule:

5:00-5:20 pm: Live music in the theater
5:20-6:00 pm: Free barbecue dinner
6:00-6:20 pm: Cigar box questions, Q&A, door prize draw
6:20-7:00 pm: Dessert served

August 29

Office Hours

September 19

Olive Branch Church - Movie Night